
My State of Create 2018

It’s the end of the year as we know it … and I feel fine.

Well, I feel pretty good, or I do now that I’ve spent some time wrapping up projects and a few tasks this last week. I have been thinking back to the goals, projects, and initiatives I’ve been working on personally and professionally in 2018. Last week, the #HEdigID chat offered a space for reflection and review of 2018 goals and things we still might need to work on in 2019.  Taking time to pause and take stock is important. I like to do this at the end of each academic semester (e.g. student grades/data, course evaluations, and my own feedback forms for learning), and also to figure out what has been my priority over the course of the year as well.

For 2018, I thought it would be fun to compile some of my statistics of things I have been making, producing, and creating — that may or may not “count” for what I’ve accomplished. I know that some websites and platforms offer insights into the number of posts, comments on blogs, image likes, and more – but I wanted to figure out what I have been working on in a variety of communities, digital spaces, and efforts across a variety of spaces and places (both online and offline). It can’t be all photo collages of inspiration, selfies, and achievements — per my #bestnine2018 of Instagram. There are so many other things that go beyond the typical data metric of a social media “like” or favorite, so I thought it was time I collected and reviewed this information as well. Here’s a slice of what I’ve been making and creating this year in this infographic:

I think some of the doodles, edits, revisions, and reads don’t always get noted in a typical performance review — but it helps to give me some perspective as to where I have been spending my time outside of my role, research projects, and design work to understand what has been my focus and priority this year for creativity. It was interesting to see what has been my focus and it gives me an idea of what I can look back at if I decide to reflect again on these items in 2019. How has 2018 been creative for you? What sort of maker stats would you collect to share your innovations, ideas, and initiatives that are more creative? Let me know!

3 thoughts on “My State of Create 2018”

  1. Hey Dr. Pasquini,

    I tried to be creative this year by using my past course experiences to create my e-portfolio. As you may know, one of the LTEC courses (I believe it was Instructional Design) required me to visit with clients. One of the clients asked me to provide instructional material regarding Mobirise on Canvas LMS. So, I did research on the software, and assisted the client. Well, fast forward to present time. I know my last semester will require me to make an e-portfolio, so I went ahead and used Mobirise software to create my e-portfolio. I thought it was a creative and unique way of displaying not only my work, but knowledge of the software and ability to learn on-the-spot for clients.

    Kyan Valipour


    1. Great to hear from you, Kyan! Also, it’s nice to learn that you are applying your own creative skills to the work you are doing. Thanks for the update and share. I wish you all the best for 2019!


    2. That is fantastic! Congratulations on your latest project and design work. It’s great to hear how you are putting some of your creative skills to work and designing for others now too. Thanks for the update, Kyan!


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